The dependence of the body on external influences is considered a human weakness. One of the most common is nicotine. A drug called Zyban can help overcome it. This is the world’s first drug to permanently fight nicotine addiction.
The active ingredient in the composition, bupropion, affects the brain mechanisms that produce pleasure. When it comes to antidepressants, bupropion replaces the “feel-good hormone” you get when you smoke. Therefore, the patient does not feel any discomfort while smoking cessation. The results of Zyban treatment are amazing, and people can forget about smoking for 7 to 10 weeks.
As many studies have shown, taking this drug allows you to avoid the negative effects of nicotine addiction, such as: For example, feelings of anger, anxiety, depression, frustration, and even increased irritability.
Additionally, people who continue to use drugs after quitting are significantly less likely to start smoking again.
Safety Information
- We recommend starting treatment one week before the final decision to quit nicotine.
- The recommended dose of the drug is tablets (150mg) per day.
- It should be taken before and after the morning meal.
- On the 8th day of the course, the dose should be increased to 2 tablets (1 in the morning and 1 in the evening).
- If you suddenly forget to take a dose, never take two tablets at once.
- We strongly recommend that you do not take Zivan if: If you are already being treated with a drug containing bupropion. You have anorexia or epilepsy. suffer from intolerance to certain ingredients.
- You should consult your doctor before taking any medication to protect yourself from risks.
Side Effects
The most common negative reactions are: Dry mouth.
Indigestion or constipation.
Drowsiness; skin rash, sleep disturbance. tension.
In order to avoid side effects and obtain the maximum effect from drug treatment, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the usage, dosage, and treatment guidelines prescribed by a specialist.
To purchase Zyban, please use our self-completed order form or contact us at the phone number listed on our website.
Our staff will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
All our products, which are offered at lower prices than in pharmacies, are only shipped from established production plants around the world, so you can be sure that they are always of high quality.