Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)

30 $86 $

Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) is an antiparasitic medication used to treat malaria by eliminating the malaria-causing parasite and preventing the spread of infection. Ensure consistent usage for the full course as directed by your doctor. Take it with food to minimize stomach discomfort.

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Pack Size Price per Unit Quantity Price Action
9 Tablet/s
30 $
18 Tablet/s
59 $
27 Tablet/s
86 $


Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)

Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) is an effective antiparasitic medication used primarily for the treatment of malaria. This serious, often life-threatening illness is caused by parasites transmitted through the bites of infected mosquitoes. Meflotas Tablet works by killing the malaria-causing parasites and stopping the infection from spreading. It is essential to take this medicine exactly as prescribed by your doctor, ideally with food to minimize the risk of stomach discomfort.

Uses Of Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)

  • Treatment of Malaria
  • Prevention of Malaria

Treatment of Malaria: Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) is highly effective in treating malaria, annihilating the parasites that cause this debilitating disease.

Prevention of Malaria: Besides treatment, Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) can also be used as a preventive measure against malaria, particularly for those traveling to regions where malaria is prevalent.

Safety & Precautions

  • Consult your doctor before consuming alcohol while taking this medicine.
  • Inform your doctor if you have a history of seizures.
  • Do not take if you have severe liver disease without medical advice.
  • Discuss usage during pregnancy with your doctor due to potential risks.
  • Limited data available regarding usage with kidney disease; consult your physician.
  • Avoid doing activities that require alertness, such as driving, until you know how it affects you.
  • Inform your doctor if you experience any side effects that persist.
  • Do not miss doses and complete the full course even if you feel better.
  • Not recommended for treating conditions other than malaria without medical advice.
  • Swallow the tablet whole, do not chew or crush it.

Side Effects

Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them.

  • Abdominal pain
  • Abnormal dreams
  • Anxiety
  • Chills
  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Atrial arrhythmias (altered heart rate)
  • Insomnia (difficulty in sleeping)
  • Itching
  • Loss of appetite
  • Muscle pain
  • Nausea
  • Rash
  • Ringing in ears
  • Vertigo
  • Visual impairment
  • Vomiting
  • Fatigue


    • Q: Can I use Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) for treating any other condition?

A: No, Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) should be used solely for the treatment of malaria unless otherwise advised by a healthcare professional. Using it for other conditions without a doctor’s recommendation may pose health risks and reduce its effectiveness.

    • Q: What should I do if I miss a dose of Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)?

A: If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it is nearly time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your regular dosing schedule. Do not double the dose to catch up. Always aim to take your medication at the same time each day to maintain consistent levels in your body.

    • Q: How long should I continue using Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)?

A: You should complete the entire course of treatment prescribed by your healthcare provider, even if you start to feel better. Stopping the medication prematurely can allow the malaria parasite to survive, potentially leading to a resurgence of the infection or the development of drug resistance.

    • Q: Are there any specific dietary restrictions while taking Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)?

A: While there are no strict dietary restrictions, it is recommended to take Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) with food to reduce the potential for stomach upset. Avoid alcohol as it can exacerbate side effects like dizziness and may interfere with the effectiveness of the medication.

    • Q: Can Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) be used during breastfeeding?

A: Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg) is generally considered safe during breastfeeding. Limited human data suggest that the medication does not pose a significant risk to the baby. However, it is always best to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new medication while breastfeeding.

    • Q: What should I do if I experience severe side effects while taking Meflotas Tablet (Mefloquine 250mg)?

A: If you experience severe or persistent side effects, such as severe dizziness, hallucinations, or altered heart rate, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Your doctor may need to adjust your dosage or switch you to a different medication. Always inform your doctor of all side effects you experience, regardless of their severity.

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Additional Information

Dosage Instructions for Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg)

Proper dosage and adherence to the prescribed schedule are essential for the effectiveness of Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg) in either treating or preventing malaria.

Use Dosage Form Directions
Malaria Treatment Oral Tablet (250mg)
  • Take as directed by your doctor
  • Supplement with protective clothing, insect repellents, and mosquito netting
  • Maintain regular appointments for blood tests and vision checks if used long-term
Malaria Prevention Oral Tablet (250mg)
  • Start 1-3 weeks before entering a malaria prone area
  • Continue weekly during stay and for at least 4 weeks after leaving the area
  • Take on the same day each week

Interaction with Other Drugs

Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg) can interact with many medicines, making it important to discuss your current medication list with your healthcare provider.

Drug Type Examples Potential Interaction
Heart/Blood Pressure Medication Various Can lead to severe or life-threatening side effects
Medication for Depression or Mental Illness Various May exacerbate psychiatric side effects
Seizure Medication Various May increase risk of seizure
Tuberculosis Medication Various Potential for adverse interactions
Live Vaccines MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) May reduce effectiveness of vaccines

Storage Instructions

Proper storage of Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg) is essential to ensure its efficacy and longevity. Follow these guidelines:

  • Store at room temperature (20-25°C or 68-77°F)
  • Keep away from moisture and heat
  • Ensure the medication stays in its original container until use

Steps to Take if Symptoms of Malaria Occur

Even while taking Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg), there is no guarantee that malaria will be completely prevented. If you suspect you have been exposed to malaria or symptoms develop, follow these steps:

  • Contact your doctor immediately
  • Continue taking Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg) as scheduled and as prescribed by your doctor
  • Use additional preventive measures such as insect repellents, bed nets, and protective clothing
  • Get frequent blood tests to check for liver function and other potential complications

Emergency Overdose Instructions

In case of an overdose of Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg), it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention:

  • Call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222
  • Provide as much information as possible including the amount taken and the timing of the overdose
  • Stay with the patient and monitor their symptoms until help arrives

Missed Dose Instructions

If you miss a dose of Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg), follow these steps:

  • Take the missed dose as soon as you remember
  • If it’s close to the time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and resume your usual dosing schedule
  • Do not take extra medicine to compensate for the missed dose
  • If you forget to take the medicine within a week before your travel, consult your doctor for further instructions

Avoidance of Certain Activities While Taking Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg)

Due to potential side effects that can impair thinking or reactions, avoid these activities:

  • Driving
  • Operating machinery
  • Piloting an airplane
  • Scuba diving
  • Any activity requiring full alertness

Consulting Healthcare Providers

Always consult with your healthcare provider regarding the usage of Meflotas Tablet Mefloquine (250mg) to ensure the information is relevant to your specific circumstances.

  • Keep a constantly updated list of all your medicines, including over-the-counter drugs and herbal products, and share it with your healthcare provider
  • Maintain regular appointments, particularly if you have underlying health issues like heart disease, liver disease, epilepsy, or mental health conditions
  • Discuss your condition and any concerns you may have about side effects or drug interactions with your doctor

Usage During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Special considerations are required if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding:

  • FDA pregnancy category B: Not known if it will harm an unborn baby, hence consult your doctor
  • Use effective birth control during treatment and for at least 3 months after it ends
  • It can pass into breast milk, therefore discuss with your healthcare provider if you are breastfeeding


1. Cerner Multum, Inc. (2023, August 4). Mefloquine.

2. FDA. (n.d.). Mefloquine. FDA.

Additional information

Pack Size

9 Tablet/s, 18 Tablet/s, 27 Tablet/s

Price per Unit

$3.30, $3.26, $3.18